reTRAIN YOUR brain


Are You A Logical Person?

The prisoner’s dilemma is one of the fundamental demonstrations of individual human behaviour. The dilemma goes as follows: Two prisoners are taken into custody with inadequate evidence of involvement, and therefore put in separate rooms for interrogation. We will...

Is Freedom Real?

Are we as human beings, free? And the answer to this question is pretty obvious. In the bigger scheme of this question, we are not free. Behaviours and actions can be restricted by the authorities linked to society. Discussing first off, the idea of culture. Human...

Why 110 Million People Die Each Year

Imagine that every single time you blink, around seven people would have died as a direct or indirect result of stress. According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, the workplace is the number one cause of life...

The Secret Behind Lasting Motivation

Most people understand others more than they understand themselves. You might think that you understand yourself very well, but you will come to realize that you actually don’t understand yourself as much as you think you do. In a psychological and motivational...

The REAL Reason You’re Failing

Why is it so hard to do the small things that can help us improve our lives? Whether its picking up the habit of reading for half an hour a day, or meditating for five minutes in the morning, it seems like there’s something more powerful than us, throwing us off the...

Your Brain Is PLASTIC!

Look around you… Look at yourself… Everything you see, and everything you are, can be summed up with one simple word: Energy No, I am not about to throw some Law Of Attraction stuff at you. I am about to share with you some revolutionary scientific discoveries that...

How To Use 100% Of Your Brain Capacity

First off, you need to understand the two different parts of your brain that governs your everyday life. The conscious brain is the critical brain that helps you connect dots, think logically and critically, get creative and get organized. The subconscious brain on...

I Finally Stopped Procrastinating! Now You Can Do It Too!

In this article, we are going to introduce procrastination and talk about some major concepts you need to learn. After understanding what procrastination is, we are going to explore different solutions you can use to escape the procrastination jail. What is...

How Much Information Can Your Brain Store

First off, you need to understand the two different parts of your brain that governs your everyday life. The conscious brain is the critical brain that helps you connect dots, think logically and critically, get creative and get organized. The subconscious brain on...

Why Were You Born?

Logotherapy, fundamentally, is based upon the idea of an essential human core based on experiences, psychological factors and actions leading to a meaning in an individual’s life. For logotherapists, each and every person, has a body, a mind, and a spirit. Individuals...

3 Everyday Words That You Should Stop Saying

Every day, we say words. Some words are new and creative, yet the majority are repetitive and habitual. Just pause for a second and think about some words you use every day. Love Hate Yes No Sorry Thanks Please Horrible Bad Good Beautiful…etc You will use the...

Escaping The Procrastination Jail

In this article, we are going to introduce procrastination and talk about some major concepts you need to learn. After understanding what procrastination is, we are going to explore different solutions you can use to escape the procrastination jail. What is...

Superhuman Memory — Discovering The True Potential Of Your Memory

I remember when I was 13 years old, and I started questioning how my memory works. We’ve all been there at one point in time. You have some homework where you need to memorize a certain passage by heart, and eventually, you most probably did. However, right this...

7 Kick Ass Exercises For Emotional Intelligence:

What is Emotional Intelligence: We all have emotions that are usually recurrent on a daily basis. Some of those emotions we experience are positive, and others are negative. This emotional charge can have effect our physical, mental and spiritual essence. No matter...

Do We Only Use 10% Of Our Brain Capacity?

I want to start off by telling you some things about your brain that you might not currently know. There’s this experiment, where lab mice where conditioned in a certain way. A bell would ring, then the mice would get an electrical shock. I know, a lot of you right...

Is The Human Potential Limitless?

Let me tell you about an experiment that will blow your mind. There’s this experiment, where lab mice where conditioned in a certain way. A bell would ring, then the mice would get an electrical shock. I know, a lot of you right now are thinking that this is...

I Think, Therefore I am

A famous quote by the French philosopher Rene Descartes states: “ I think, therefore I am.” Let’s take a closer look at this quote. When we think, we either think about something internal or external. Internal, can be analyzing your emotions for instance. External,...

Test Your Intelligence On The Meaning Of Life

The purpose of this article is to expand your mental horizon and test your intelligence. Are you able to comprehend and assimilate those theories? Are you able to find the necessary justifications? One of the fundamental principles in the search for meaning is...

Relationships And The Meaning Of Life

Commonly, in relationships, people might change their entire life to satisfy the need of maintaining the relationship with their significant other. The desire of sex expression in a sense of making love, and the concept of love itself are the most cognitive...

What Is Neuroplasticity And How Does It Work

A Scientific Breakthrough In Neuroscience Made It Possible For People To Wire Their Brain On A Conscious And Subconscious Level, Taking Control Of Their Habits, Their Negative Thoughts, Their Bad Experiences and Memories, And Turn Them Into Good Health Habits,...

He Who Has A Why To Live Can Bare Almost Any How

But, how can we bare any how when no, meaning related answer, is endowed? “ He who was a why to live can bare almost any how. “ – Friedrich Nietzsche But, how can we bare any how when no, meaning related answer, is endowed? We as human beings need a reason in...

Start Your Day With Creation

I want you to think about the people you talk to the most for a second. When I told John to do that, he started naming all the people he can think of. By the time he stopped, I realized that he forgot to mention the one person he talks to the most… Himself! The...

The Deadly Procrastination Trap

A vicious cycle that affects over 2 billion people around the world. Procrastination is an art. The reason I call it an art is because we can get very creative with it. We can get so creative in fact that we build ourselves a trap and jump right into it. I want to...

Cracking The Laziness Code

Negotiate with yourself, don’t tyrannize yourself. First off, you can’t always avoid being lazy. That’s something you need to accept. We all have days where we don’t get enough sleep, we have long work days, or we had a lot to deal with and laziness is then a sign....
Is Freedom Real?

Is Freedom Real?

Are we as human beings, free? And the answer to this question is pretty obvious. In the bigger scheme of this question, we are not free. Behaviours and actions can be restricted by the authorities linked to society. Discussing first off, the idea of culture. Human...

Why 110 Million People Die Each Year

Why 110 Million People Die Each Year

Imagine that every single time you blink, around seven people would have died as a direct or indirect result of stress. According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, the workplace is the number one cause of life...

The Secret Behind Lasting Motivation

The Secret Behind Lasting Motivation

Most people understand others more than they understand themselves. You might think that you understand yourself very well, but you will come to realize that you actually don’t understand yourself as much as you think you do. In a psychological and motivational...

The REAL Reason You’re Failing

The REAL Reason You’re Failing

Why is it so hard to do the small things that can help us improve our lives? Whether its picking up the habit of reading for half an hour a day, or meditating for five minutes in the morning, it seems like there’s something more powerful than us, throwing us off the...

Your Brain Is PLASTIC!

Your Brain Is PLASTIC!

Look around you… Look at yourself… Everything you see, and everything you are, can be summed up with one simple word: Energy No, I am not about to throw some Law Of Attraction stuff at you. I am about to share with you some revolutionary scientific discoveries that...

How To Use 100% Of Your Brain Capacity

How To Use 100% Of Your Brain Capacity

First off, you need to understand the two different parts of your brain that governs your everyday life. The conscious brain is the critical brain that helps you connect dots, think logically and critically, get creative and get organized. The subconscious brain on...

How Much Information Can Your Brain Store

How Much Information Can Your Brain Store

First off, you need to understand the two different parts of your brain that governs your everyday life. The conscious brain is the critical brain that helps you connect dots, think logically and critically, get creative and get organized. The subconscious brain on...

Why Were You Born?

Why Were You Born?

Logotherapy, fundamentally, is based upon the idea of an essential human core based on experiences, psychological factors and actions leading to a meaning in an individual’s life. For logotherapists, each and every person, has a body, a mind, and a spirit. Individuals...

3 Everyday Words That You Should Stop Saying

3 Everyday Words That You Should Stop Saying

Every day, we say words. Some words are new and creative, yet the majority are repetitive and habitual. Just pause for a second and think about some words you use every day. Love Hate Yes No Sorry Thanks Please Horrible Bad Good Beautiful…etc You will use the...

Escaping The Procrastination Jail

Escaping The Procrastination Jail

In this article, we are going to introduce procrastination and talk about some major concepts you need to learn. After understanding what procrastination is, we are going to explore different solutions you can use to escape the procrastination jail. What is...

7 Kick Ass Exercises For Emotional Intelligence:

7 Kick Ass Exercises For Emotional Intelligence:

What is Emotional Intelligence: We all have emotions that are usually recurrent on a daily basis. Some of those emotions we experience are positive, and others are negative. This emotional charge can have effect our physical, mental and spiritual essence. No matter...

Do We Only Use 10% Of Our Brain Capacity?

Do We Only Use 10% Of Our Brain Capacity?

I want to start off by telling you some things about your brain that you might not currently know. There’s this experiment, where lab mice where conditioned in a certain way. A bell would ring, then the mice would get an electrical shock. I know, a lot of you right...

Is The Human Potential Limitless?

Is The Human Potential Limitless?

Let me tell you about an experiment that will blow your mind. There’s this experiment, where lab mice where conditioned in a certain way. A bell would ring, then the mice would get an electrical shock. I know, a lot of you right now are thinking that this is...

I Think, Therefore I am

I Think, Therefore I am

A famous quote by the French philosopher Rene Descartes states: “ I think, therefore I am.” Let’s take a closer look at this quote. When we think, we either think about something internal or external. Internal, can be analyzing your emotions for instance. External,...

Test Your Intelligence On The Meaning Of Life

Test Your Intelligence On The Meaning Of Life

The purpose of this article is to expand your mental horizon and test your intelligence. Are you able to comprehend and assimilate those theories? Are you able to find the necessary justifications? One of the fundamental principles in the search for meaning is...

Relationships And The Meaning Of Life

Relationships And The Meaning Of Life

Commonly, in relationships, people might change their entire life to satisfy the need of maintaining the relationship with their significant other. The desire of sex expression in a sense of making love, and the concept of love itself are the most cognitive...

What Is Neuroplasticity And How Does It Work

What Is Neuroplasticity And How Does It Work

A Scientific Breakthrough In Neuroscience Made It Possible For People To Wire Their Brain On A Conscious And Subconscious Level, Taking Control Of Their Habits, Their Negative Thoughts, Their Bad Experiences and Memories, And Turn Them Into Good Health Habits,...

He Who Has A Why To Live Can Bare Almost Any How

He Who Has A Why To Live Can Bare Almost Any How

But, how can we bare any how when no, meaning related answer, is endowed? “ He who was a why to live can bare almost any how. “ – Friedrich Nietzsche But, how can we bare any how when no, meaning related answer, is endowed? We as human beings need a reason in...

Start Your Day With Creation

Start Your Day With Creation

I want you to think about the people you talk to the most for a second. When I told John to do that, he started naming all the people he can think of. By the time he stopped, I realized that he forgot to mention the one person he talks to the most… Himself! The...

The Deadly Procrastination Trap

The Deadly Procrastination Trap

A vicious cycle that affects over 2 billion people around the world. Procrastination is an art. The reason I call it an art is because we can get very creative with it. We can get so creative in fact that we build ourselves a trap and jump right into it. I want to...

Cracking The Laziness Code

Cracking The Laziness Code

Negotiate with yourself, don’t tyrannize yourself. First off, you can’t always avoid being lazy. That’s something you need to accept. We all have days where we don’t get enough sleep, we have long work days, or we had a lot to deal with and laziness is then a sign....


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